Wednesday, April 30, 2008


...You know what that means, don't you.

It is with great joy that I report the abandonment and frogging of the Zupa Viking Cardi (a.k.a. Vebjorg).

The ZVC was my re-entrance to the world of sweater knitting and it failed miserably. The pattern is clever and charming, but I didn't like the shape given and wanted to work with thinner yarn so I commenced rewriting the entire pattern. Unfortunately, in order to do that I first had to knit the pattern panels in order to knit the fronts in order to knit the sleeve caps in order to knit the back. And then sew like nine seams. In a yarn I don't really even like. It did not get very far.

IMG_3264 IMG_3252


It's been sitting under my bed being resented since almost the moment that I started it, but it is being reborn.


Now that is a seriously large swatch. (That's a quarter.) Amazing how by combining two of the things I hate most - swatching and seminar - they both become more bearable. More info soon.

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