Saturday, February 14, 2009

I'm spinning

I'm spinning because I saw this bonnet and I totally lost it. I had to have one just like it. Also, I am totally wild for Leethal. Reading her blog brings out some strange, brightly-colored part of me that usually lies latent under all the black & Dostoevsky.

I'm (hopefully) making mine out of this Suffolk that I dyed a couple months ago, and this is a big deal, because I am crazy for this roving, it's probably the coolest thing I've ever dyed. (Someone pointed out to me recently that I speak almost entirely in hyperbole, but I think it's more accurate to say that I live in hyperbole.)


I am seriously protective of it and have been saving it for the perfect project, and it is a testament to my faith in Leethal's enabling & Adrian's designing, that I trust them to not mislead me and to provide a project worthy of this roving. It is also a testament to how totally insane I am that I have somehow decided that I am capable of determining whether two total strangers on the internet are somehow "trustworthy" by virtue of the fact that I like their knitting. Few bulbs short of a marquee.

I've got one and a half bobbins filled up with singles. This yarn will maybe end up sportweight-ish and maybe I will have enough of it. It's not like there's anything I can do if there's not, so I'm not worrying too much about it. (Lie. Blatant lie.) We'll see how things turn out.

P.S. Isn't photographing roving on snow the best ever? I almost wanted it to stick around just so I could keep using it as a backdrop. Ha!

1 comment:

cosymakes said...

oh! i trust plenty of random people in the knitting community :D

can't wait to see your bonnet.