Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Meet the WIPs

I guess this is the place to start, the characters you'll be seeing around in the future. Before you begin to regard me as a thorough and other ways devoted knitter, let me state for the record: these are not all the WIPs, just the ones I need to and/or foresee finishing in the future. Read: by Christmas, at least. we go?

My most worked on project o' the moment:

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Clessidra, knit out of Louet Gems. They're knitting up rather nicely - the chart is easily memorized (and I am not the sort of person who can usually memorize charts), the cables add a bit of interest. They grew rather rapidly when I was knitting them on the MAX to work, but since I've taken to riding my bike these days they are stagnating. Still, glorious socks. I intend to wear them with my cuffed Carhartts. My only complaint is my yarn choice: I looked high and low for solid colored sock yarn at my LYS(s) and could not find ANY. Christ, people. Finally some Louet showed up at Twisted so I picked it up without thinking - oops. It's a 2-ply. I know better than to knit cables with a 2-ply. Oh well. The color is great.

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Eunny Jang's Bayerische Socks out of Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in charcoal. For Viking Boy for Christmas. I tried to knit these last winter and failed miserably, but that was during the horrible phase where I tried to knit socks on bamboo 1's. I knit much too tightly, it was painful and involved some fractures and cursing and hate. I will try again as a better knitter and more patient person (and on metal DPNS). Clearly, not much yet, I just cast on a couple nights ago and haven't had a chance to knit since. Finishing these in time may be a trial. But Lorna's Laces is glory and sweetness.

That's not too bad, though. The next project is the most pathetic WIP ever. Not because it's barely started, but because of where it's halted:

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Seriously. I knit the second mitten in a week and then stopped. One inch and some gathering away from a pair of mittens. They have been sitting in this state for over a month now. Why am I torturing myself like this? It might be because I made the first thumb too short, don't want to pick it out, can't decide whether to make the second thumb the right length or make them both equally too small. So I am procrastinating. Go figure. Generic sportweight wool, wound off the cone and sold by the ounce at Joseph's Coat. Best way to buy yarn ever.

And the last imperative project, a Flower Basket Lace Shawl for my grandma Florrie. She's not my biological grandmother, she was the wife of my grandpa who died two years ago, but she's an amazing person and spoils me every year at Christmas so I have decided to spoil her in revenge. Alpaca/silk, mmmm...

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So. Not impressive. I have yet to experience the miracle of lace blocking, though, so I may become a convert.

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