This is the Sunshine LL left over from the Hufflepuff socks. Thanks to the stripes and Sarah's tiny feets, I had a fair amount of yarn left over - over 60g. (Oh yeah, I just got a scale. I am wildly obsessed with it. More on that later, maybe.) I tied the two skeins together in hopes that this would increase their chances of turning out similar, then handpainted them in the oven: just squeezed the excess water out of the yarn, laid it out flat in my roasting pan and started pouring colors over it. I think I left too much water in the skein before I started painting because some of the later colors spread a bit, like the yarn was too saturated for them to fully absorb. I love the look, I think it looks sort of kettle dyed and am hoping it won't pool too badly because of this. *knocks on head*

I didn't much like it at first but it's grown on me, reminds me of garden colors - kale, squash, earth, pumpkins - so I'm going to knit it into a pair of toe-up anklets for my mom, who has both tiny feet and a fantastic green thumb. It is a fine thing for your primary sock-recipient have tiny feet. Thanks Mom! I'll even forgive you for making me short.
I really cannot recommend small-footed persons highly enough. I happen to be one myself and to have inherited these feet from my mother (though not quite to her extreme; I wear a 6.5 while she wears a 5.5), but should you not have had the great fortune to have been born into a small-footed family, consider making more friends of our ilk. If they wear a size below 6, especially, they probably feel relatively marginalized by society, foot-wise, so for you to knit them socks and praise their small feet would be a fantastic boon to both of you. Lest we forget, large-footed people require love too. But they also require more yarn.
I love the earthy colors of the yarn. I haven't tried the roasting pan technique; usually I just drape it between pots on the stove top. I'll have to try that.
Small feet are awesome! I wear size 4.5 and I can often get nearly knee-high socks out of one skein of yarn!
I'm also one of those super fortunate knitters whose boyfriend has (relatively) small feet and loves handknit socks. Yay!
Also: While it might be hard to find shoes that are small enough... when you do find them, they are cheap!
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